Evaluation form for Andrew Curtis-Black, tutor for SENG302

Andrew Curtis-Black

You are about to fill in a form evaluating Andrew Curtis-Black's abilities as a tutor for SENG302. If this is not what you intended, please start over.

Please note that you will get the opportunity to comment on the course content and structure and the abilities of the lecturers at a later date. Please limit your comments on this form to the abilities of the tutor in question. Thank you.

  1. How enthusiastic was the tutor about teaching this course?
  2. Has the tutor encouraged you to think for yourself?
  3. How would you characterise your tutor's ability to explain?
  4. The tutor answered questions clearly and concisely.
  5. The tutor facilitated the formal sessions (e.g. stand-ups, retrospectives) in such a manner that it empowered the team to lead and contribute to the sessions.
  6. The tutor communicated with the teams and individuals in a professional manner as expected by the SE industry which encouraged me to behave professionally.
  7. Overall, how effective was this tutor?

What did you appreciate about this tutor's tutoring?

How could this tutor's tutoring be improved?

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