Software Engineering Showcase | Whakaaturanga Hanga Pūmanawa 2023

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Full Programme

For the full programme for this year's showcase, including the abstracts of each team's presentation, please see the accompanying PDF.

This Year’s Project

Product: Team Analytics Buddy (TAB).

The SENG302 project for 2023 involved the creation of an application to help teams, coaches, players and whānau plan and share sporting activity information.

“TAB” is designed to make the life of coaches easier by helping them manage their team more efficiently. The application allows them to keep track of players' schedules and provides detailed game statistics for further analysis. It is also a tool for enhances communication with players and their parents in real-time.

The application is designed to support players' development too. Players can plan and schedule their personal sporting activities and review their own performance and health data to monitor their progression and impact in the team.

Whānau can use the application to manage a club, promote a sport or browse statistics related to the teams and players they support.

On top of administrative and team management features, this mobile-friendly web application can gather data from wearable devices (i.e. Garmin smartwatches) to build valuable visualisation for coaches and players that will be used in debriefing or tactical workshops. The mobile app also allows for a live team chat, for coordination and team bonding purposes.

Working in a team to develop a piece of working, usable, and useful software is difficult. Doing this with a set of evolving requirements, even though realistic, makes it even more challenging.

Students gained valuable experience with a range of industry-standard tools and techniques as well as working within a modern software process.

From a common basis with a restrictive set of user requirements, the ten teams delivered very different and interesting pieces of software. Students learnt how to develop a professional product and add their own touch by proposing user stories depending on potential specific audience requirements.


Date:Friday 13 October 2023
Where:Rehua 226, Ilam campus, University of Canterbury
Chairs:April Clarke, Bede Skinner-Vennell , Rachel Hodgson, Sam Clark, Sam McMillan
0930 – 1000Coffee and tea served
1000 – 1005Welcome (Fabian Gilson)
1005 – 1010What is SENG302? (Miguel Morales)
1010 – 1025ConQuest
1025 – 1040Hopper
1040 – 1055Herd300
1055 – 1110Playbook
1110 – 1125Team Tactus
1125 – 1145Morning tea break
1145 – 1200Team OK
1200 – 1215My league Metrics
1215 – 1230Tracks
1230 – 1245Prism
1245 – 1300Saturday
1300 – 1305Student Representative (Michelle Hsieh, Celeste Turnock)
1305 – 1310Closing (Fabian Gilson)
1310 – 1500Lunch and interactive session

Please note that this is the intended schedule. The start/end times might vary depending on various factors, such as the actual length of a presentation.


Photos and/or video might be taken at this event. These will only be used for promoting the university and courses. Please let the event co-ordinator know if you do not want your photo taken so that your face can be blurred out.