[an error occurred while processing this directive] 2020

SE Showcase |  SENG302 Showcase |  SENG302 Showcase 2020 |  Abstracts |  People

SENG302 Project 2020

Product: An Activity Management Application

The SENG302 project for 2020 involved the creation of an application to help people with the planning and sharing of sporting and leisure activities.

Different types of people have different needs. A corporate traveller would have very different needs to a backpacker. An active sportsperson will be interested in more challenging events than a family with young children. Some users will be primarily interested in local activities. Being part of an active community provides benefits such as motivation and the opportunity to compare experiences with others.

There are apps that help with aspects such as searching for activities. However, it would be good to have an application that combines as many of these aspects as possible in order to provide a useful and rewarding community experience.

In this project, teams had to create an application allowing individual users to log in, create a profile, and to create, organise and participate in various types of activities.

Working in a team to develop a piece of working, usable, and useful software is difficult. Doing this with a set of evolving requirements, even though realistic, makes it even more challenging.

Students gained valuable experience with a range of industry-standard tools and techniques as well as working within a modern software process.

From a common basis with a restrictive set of user requirements, the eight teams delivered very different and interesting pieces of software. Students learnt how to develop a professional product and add their own touch by proposing user stories depending on potential specific audience requirements.

SENG302 Presentation Schedule

Starts: 1000  Date: Thursday  8th  October 2020 Where: Haere-roa UCSA Building. Free parking in the UCSA carpark for the duration of Showcase. (Parking)

1000-1020Coffee and tea served

Session: 1  Chair: Ambrose Ledbrook, Campbell Mercer-Butcher, Matthew Minish, Isaac Worsley  

1020-1025Welcome - Dr. Fabian Gilson
1025-1040Introduction: SENG302 and Showcase - Dr. Miguel Morales
1040-1050This year's project: Hākinakina - Dr. Fabian Gilson
1105–1120Passage Dev
1120-1135[object Object]
1150-1205Team 200
1250-1255Student Representative - Cameron Arnold, Jack van Heugten Bruerkes
1255-1305Closing - Dr. Neville Churcher

Session: 2  

1305-1500Lunch and interactive session
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