module Alerts

This module defines functions that display various commonly-used types of modal dialog containing a textual message.

Alert kinds

The kind parameter in the following functions determines the appearance of the dialog. It may take the following values:
Used for displaying an error message or other condition which prevents an operation from being completed.
Used for warning the user when an operation could cause loss of data or other undesirable effects.
Used for presenting an informational message to the user.
Used for requesting information from the user.
Some platforms may not display all of these in a unique way.


Low-level alert functions

alert(kind, message, ok_label = "OK")
Displays an alert box with one button, which is the default button. Does not return a value.
alert2(kind, message, yes_label = "Yes", no_label = "No",
       default = 1, cancel = 0)
Displays an alert box with two buttons. Returns 1 if the "yes" button is pressed, 0 if the "no" button is pressed. The default and cancel parameters specify which buttons, if any, are activated by the standard keyboard equivalents, and take the values 1, 0 or None.
alert3(kind, message, yes_label = "Yes", no_label = "No",
       other_label = "Cancel",
default = 1, cancel = -1)
Displays an alert box with three buttons. Returns 1 if the "yes" button is pressed, 0 if the "no" button is pressed, and -1 if the "other" button is pressed.  The default and cancel parameters specify which buttons, if any, are activated by the standard keyboard equivalents, and take the values 1, 0, -1 or None.
In addition to the parameters listed above, these functions also accept the following optional parameters:
The overall width of the alert box.
The number of lines to allow for in the text area of the alert box.
These parameters are hints only; platforms are free to ignore them and calculate the size of the alert box from the text provided.

High-level alert functions

The following functions provide shorthands for calling the above functions with certain common combinations of parameters.
note_alert(message, ...)
Equivalent to alert('note', message, ...).
stop_alert(message, ...)
Equivalent to alert('stop', message, ...).
ask(message, ...)
Equivalent to alert2('query', message, ...).
confirm(message, ...)
Equivalent to alert2('caution', message, ...).
ask_or_cancel(message, ...)
Equivalent to alert3('query', message, ...).
confirm_or_cancel(message, ...)
Equivalent to alert3('caution', message, ...).