Geometry submodule
The Geometry submodule provides a collection of functions for operating
on points and rectangles. See the section on Coordinates,
Points and Rectangles for a discussion of how these entities are defined.
Point functions
- add_pt(p1, p2)
- Returns the point resulting from adding the coordinates of points p1 and p2.
- sub_pt(p1, p2)
- Returns the point resulting from subtracting the coordinates of point
p2 from those of point p1.
Rectangle functions
- rect_sized(p, size)
- Returns a rectangle of the specified size with p as its top left
- rect_left(r)
- rect_top(r)
- rect_right(r)
- rect_bottom(r)
- These functions return the left, top, right or bottom coordinate, respectively,
of the given rectangle.
- rect_width(r)
- rect_height(r)
- These functions return the width or height, respectively, of the given
- rect_topleft(r)
- rect_botright(r)
- These functions return the top left or bottom right point, respectively,
of the given rectangle.
- rect_size(r)
- Returns the size of the given rectangle.
- union_rect(r1, r2)
- Returns the union of the rectangles r1 and r2, i.e. the
smallest rectangle enclosing both r1 and r2.
- sect_rect(r1, r2)
- Returns the intersection of rectangles r1 and r2.
- inset_rect(r, (dx, dy))
- Returns the rectangle resulting from displacing the sides of the rectangle
r inwards horizontally by dx and vertically by dy.
- offset_rect(r, (dx, dy))
- Returns the rectangle resulting from displacing the rectangle r horizontally by dx and vertically by dy.
- empty_rect(r)
- Returns true if r is an empty rectangle.
- pt_in_rect(p, r)
- Returns true if the point p is in the rectangle r. A point
is considered to be in a rectangle if the pixel immediately below and to
the right of the point is enclosed by the rectangle.
- rects_intersect(r1, r2)
- Returns true if the intersection of rectangles r1 and r2 is nonempty.