
A Game Skeleton for Albow
Version 2.0



Humerus is a set of classes for use with the Albow widget library. It provides an infrastructure and basic user interface for a game made up of a sequence of levels, with optional support for a built-in level editor.

Basic facilities provided by Humerus include:
Level editor support facilities include:

Class Overview

The basic functionality of Humerus is provided by the following classes.
This class defines certain standard command-line options used by Humerus and provides code to parse and handle them. By subclassing it, you can provide default values for the options, choose which of them are to be changeable by the player, and add options of your own.
A Humerus game contains one HGame instance. This object serves as a central junction between the user interface and the internal state of the game. You will typically subclass this class and add your own game-specific state and functionality.
This is a subclass of the Albow Shell class that implements the default user interface functionality. You will typically subclass this and add game-specific user interface code.
This class implements the default main menu. You can use it as-is, or subclass it to customize and extend the menu. You can also use it as a base class for other screens, such as your playing screen, that don't have a menu but need to respond to the keyboard equivalents of the menu commands.
Level editor functionality is provided by the following classes.
Games having a level editor should use this instead of HGame.
Games having a level editor should use this instead of HShell.
This class implements the default level editor menu. You can use it as-is, or subclass it to customize and extend the menu. You can also use it as a base class for other screens, such as your level editor screen, that don't have a menu but need to respond to the keyboard equivalents of the menu commands.


The following diagrams illustrate how the various classes of a Humerus game fit together.

Without Level Editor

With Level Editor


Using Humerus typically involves the following steps.
  1. Define a subclass of Options that specifies the command-line options you want to use. Before importing any other modules or instantiating any other classes, it is recommended to instantiate your Options class. This will process the command-line options and initialize the PyGame display. Ensuring that the display is initialized will enable you to use Albow's resource-loading facilities in the course of importing and defining your other classes. For example,

    Without level editorWith level editor
    from humerus.options import Options

    class MyOptions(Options):

    my_options = MyOptions()
    from humerus.options import Options

    class MyOptions(Options):

    my_options = MyOptions(with_editor = True)

    If you are making any changes to the default Albow or Humerus themes, you should do this next, before instantiating any user interface classes.

  2. Define a subclass of HGame (or HEGame if your game will have a level editor) and instantiate it.
    from humerus.hgame import HGame

    class MyGame(HGame):

    my_game = MyGame()
    from humerus.hegame import HEGame

    class MyGame(HEGame):

    my_game = MyGame()

  3. Define a subclass of HShell (or HEShell if your game will have a level editor) and instantiate it, passing it your game and options objects.
    from humerus.hshell import HShell

    class MyShell(HShell):

    my_shell = MyShell(my_game, my_options)
    from humerus.heshell import HEShell

    class MyShell(HEShell):

    my_shell = MyShell(my_game, my_options)

    During initialization of your Shell object, you will probably want to create and attach whatever Screens you use.

  4. Call the run() method of your Shell object.


Humerus defines Albow themes for the following classes. You can redefine them to customize the appearance of the standard menu screens.

Class NameBase ClassUsage
MainMenuTitleLabelTitle of the main menu screen
MainMenuButtonButtonButtons of the main menu screen
EditMenuTitleLabelTitle of the editor menu screen
EditMenuButtonButtonButtons of the editor menu screen

Example Code

There are two example programs in the examples/Pong directory: - A very simple game exercising the basic functions of Humerus. - An extended version incorporating a level editor.